Monday, February 12, 2018

Bacon Wrapped Potato Wedges

Yum, yum, yum!!  Really simple to make for lunch or dinner and have leftovers for breakfast.

Bacon Wrapped Potato Wedges, updated 16 Feb 2018

3 12oz packages of Hormel Black Label Center Cut Bacon (25% less fat) making sure contains at least 10-12 slices
2  Large Russet Potatoes (about 6” in length x 3” diameter) each cut into 8ths lengthwise (cut into half lengthwise, then cut each half into 2 pieces, then cut each quarter in half)

Preheat oven to 400º F.

Foil line a half-sheet baking pan (13” x 18” x 1”).  (For later use:  Foil line a 9” x 13” baking pan and line with paper towels.)

Wrap each 1/8th piece of potato with 2 pieces of bacon.  Making sure that the ends of the bacon are either under the potato wedge or tucked into the end.

Place on the baking pan.  Half-sheet baking pan will handle the 16 pieces of potato wedges.

Place in the oven and bake for 40 minutes.  At the end of 40 minutes, poke with wooden skewer to make sure the potatoes are done.  23 Feb 2018 note, found that turning the oven off at 40 minutes and letting it sit in the oven for another 15 minutes improves the flavor of the potato wedges!

Take the potato wedges off the half-sheet and place on the 9” x 13” baking pan lined with paper towels.

Serve with Wagner's Idaho Mustard of your choice.  We like the Old Fashioned or the Hoppin' Jalapeno Mustard.  
Yikes!  We only had 2 packages of bacon
so the second potato was only cut into 4 wedges!

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