Monday, July 14, 2014

Grill Master - Herb Italian Dressing Marinade - Updated 14 Jul 2014

After a little shy of 8 years, we finally purchased a natural gas grill!  Steak done on it is FABULOUS!  D tried her version of the following Italian Dressing Marinade, mostly ad-libbed because we can't eat anything…  B has still got to grill his lamb chops.  The well-done NY steak was still juicy and delicious.  B says lamb chops were delicious!

My guess is that we have to be "heavy handed" with the fresh herbs to get it to come through!

Herb Italian Dressing Marinade ala B&D
Herb Mixture in separate container
6 Tbsp fresh oregano chopped
2 Tbsp fresh thyme chopped
2 Tbsp fresh basil chopped
2 Tbsp fresh Italian parsley
Mix well.

B’s Bullet container
3 Tbsp mixed diced garlic, onion, shallot mix
1 Tbsp Los Roast Green Chile
1/4 Cup fresh lemon juice + liquid from Los Roast Green Chile Med
1 Tbsp Local Honey
1/2 Cup California Olive Oil
1/4 Cup Herb mixture
salt to taste
Blend until creamy.
Marinade lamb chops overnight.

D’s Bullet container
1/4 Cup Herb mixture
1/4 Cup California Olive Oil
salt and pepper to taste
Blend until creamy.
Marinade NY steak for about 4 hours.

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